Hallbankgate Village School

Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School Life at Hallbankgate Village School
  • ‘The magic that is woven at Hallbankgate Village School, day by day, minute by minute, by leaders, by staff, and ultimately by pupils, is exceptional.’
    Steve Watson, TLO, 2019
  • ‘We are truly grateful: the staff have gone above and beyond. Thank you!’
    Parent, 2020
  • ‘The striking feature is that learners relish the opportunities they have to control their own learning, and that they have the confidence and skills to do so successfully.’
    Steve Watson, TLO, 2019
  • ‘We feel our child is thriving- we feel they are being pushed to their potential. Thank you.’
    Parent, 2020
  • ‘…the commitment to taking responsibility for their own learning, the awareness of the learning process and of self as learner, and the skills to do so independently are evident.’
    Steve Watson, TLO, 2019
  • ‘Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school’
    Ofsted, 2017
  • ‘Staff are always happy to discuss ways to support my child.’
    Parent, 2020
  • ‘Pupils understand their learning because teachers use clear explanations and make sure that pupils understand what they are learning.’
    Ofsted, 2017
  • ‘All staff are extremely friendly and welcoming to both adults and children in our family’
    Parent, 2020
  • ‘Pupils behave well at all times. They are polite and well mannered. Leaders value the feedback they get from pupils and place a high priority on listening to pupils.’
    Ofsted, 2017
  • ‘Our children love coming to school every day and are always encouraged to be the best they can be’
    Parent, 2020

Community Projects

We intend for children to develop a love and appreciation of their community; learning to respect and value the area in which they live and the rich learning opportunities within it.  We have strong links with our local church, community shop and community groups, enhancing learning opportunities by working together on a wide range of projects.


Recent Projects

Hallbankgate Hub Library Link- January 2022

To further develop and promote a love of reading and reading for pleasure, we have been using the Library Link located in Hallbankgate Village Hub. Working in conjunction with Hallbankgate Hub, Cumbria County Council’s Library service and parents, we have signed up all children up to the library service, meaning that they can borrow books from our local community library. 

It was wonderful to see how excited all of the children were- especially when they saw just how many books were available and when they used the self-service checkout to borrow their books. The Library Link library is a fantastic resource that we will continue to support as part of our wider curriculum offer for all children. 

Hallbankgate Hub have told us, "The Hub enjoys ‘hosting’ the children and seeing them benefit from their time spent in the Library Link.  We think it is important to support the school in the development of the children’s reading and literacy skill and it’s nice to be encouraging the next generation of bookworms!". 

We can't wait for our next visit!


Village News- Winter 2021

Read our latest entry in the Village News, here


Hallbankgate Hub Writing Competition- October 2021

To help create an eye-catching display in Hallbankgate Hub - and provide us with the opportunity to share and celebrate our poetry learning- we have all written a Halloween-themed poem. The volunteers at the Hub were so impressed with our poems, that they awarded one child from each class a £10 book token, as well as giving us all some feedback on the poems that we had written. It was lovely to see all of this wonderful learning on display in the Hub.


Class 3 visit to RSPB Geltsdale- September 2021

Having been so inspired by our class text, 'Sky Hawk', Class 3 have been finding out about the plight of some birds of prey that live in our local area: hen harriers. We found out that so many birds have gone missing in recent years and visited RSPB Geltsdale to find out more about their habitats and possible reasons for the dangers that they face. Whilst at the RSPB reserve, we conducted a tree survey (as part of our geography fieldwork studies) and identified how the local landscape had changed over time. Once we were back in school, we created non-fiction texts about how we can all support the hen harriers in our local area. 


Hallbankgate Hub Writing Competition- July 2021

Hallbankgate Hub recently purchased some new chairs for their outdoor area and asked us if we would like to write about them! All children in Class 2 and 3 took part: Class 2 produced some very descriptive acrostic poems and Class 3 explored their senses to imagine what these chairs could be- whether they are a comforting hug on a lonely day or a vehicle to your wildest day-dreams! 


Each child received a hand-written thank you card and the winners each received a £10 book token. We hope to have our writing published in the Hub, soon! 


 Class 3 Bright Stars Community History Project-  May to July 2021

To develop our leadership skills and understanding of the world of work and businesses, Class 3 took part in the CDEC Bright Stars campaign. We decided to focus on bringing our community back together by finding out about the history of our school from the people who came here: we used old log books and registers, historical sources and photographs donated by former pupils and anecdotes and stories to build up a timeline of how our school has changed over the years. We were fascinated to learn that the national school closures of 2020 and 2021 were not the first closures in our school's history- we found out that it had been closed several times before due to diseases like scarlet fever, influenza and measles!



Find out more about some of the community organisations that we are involved with:


